Monday, April 28, 2008

Biome says "Turn out the lights!"

This image from Nasa is outstanding, as well as very thought provoking! The image shows the earth at night and indicates which countries and continents are literally lighting up the universe. The image was created with data from the defense Metorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Operational Linescan System (OLS). Originally designed to view clouds by moonlight, the OLS is also used to map the locations of permanent lights on the Earth's surface. For more info visit

Biome thought....Wouldn't it be interesting to map onto this image the rising 'hotspots' caused by global warming onto this image of the earths surface - I wonder what correlation we might see between the areas of extreme brightness (and therefore electricity consumption) and areas of rising temperatures. Alternatively, imagine if all this electricity created didn't involve CO2 as a by product...

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