Monday, November 17, 2008

Paper-free Christmas cards!

Seeing yourself as an Elf, although a little disturbing, is also highly amusing!

Elf Yourself is a fantastic free alternative to sending out paper greetings cards. Last year, a number of my friends and family members sent out e-cards, and I couldn't help wondering how many trees must have been saved and pennies saved! Upload a photo of yourself, choose a dance, Take a look at Elf Yourself, or for something a little less ridiculous, you could go for a classical option via the
Britsh Library's Selection who have a number of Christmas e-cards or

I know that sending e-cards, removes the personal touch from handwritten Christmas cards, but not only does it save time and money but it also saves on a huge amount of paper!

I think I will be sending a traditional card to my Nan and Grandad, after all they don’t use the internet, but for everyone else it will be e-cards all the way!

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