A new eco-friendly opened in London this summer called Surya, Islington. The club is so environmentally sustainable that it will even donate electricity to its neighbours!
That, at least, is what Surya's owners are claiming:
"Each week millions upon millions of exuberant human beings head out of their houses and into nightclubs to expend large amounts of energy on the dancefloor," Dr Earth said in a statement. "[But] clubbing remains one of the few areas of society untouched by the green message."
According to its statement, Surya is powered by sustainable energy - in particular, wind and sun power - and, in fact, generates enough electricity to pass on to its immediate neighbours.
Besides solar-energy panels, a wind turbine, waterless urinals, low-flush toilets and eco-friendly air-conditioning units, Surya also boasts a high-tech alternative energy dancefloor. It will, the club says, use "materials such as quartz crystals, ceramics, cutting-edge technology and the dancing motion of clubbers to generate part of the club's energy requirements". Fascinating!
Biome Lifestyle would be thrilled if the answer to the world's environmental crisis just meant putting your dancing shoes on and grooving the night away!!
Don't stop dancing - you'll make the lights go out!
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