Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Ramsay on the rampage

“I don't want to see asparagus on in the middle of December. I don't want to see strawberries from Kenya in the middle of March. I want to see it home grown” Gordon Ramsay

This was a statement made by Gordon Ramsay a couple of weeks ago regarding the food sold in British restaurant. Gordon apparently, has been having a chat with Prime Minister Gordon Brown about fining restaurants who use non-seasonal produce. Not just a slap on the wrist, but an actual fine. Apparently this would kill two birds with one stone; raising “levels of inspiration”, while cutting carbon emissions.

I think this is a good (if not a bit over ambitious) idea, however I very much doubt this will happen. Plus, Gordon has come under criticism as apparently some of his own restaurants serve out-of season produce…! The one good thing that this idea has brought is a big debate regarding seasonal and local food- the thread on the BBC

Have Your Say forum is already up to 1055 comments! Biome Lifestyle would love to see more local and seasonal food in restaurants, although would that mean I would still be able to enjoy some of the more unusual dishes I enjoy at our local Thai restaurant… what a dilemma!

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